I have people ask me about what kind of labs we run and who we collaborate with. So, I thought this might be the best way to go over that. I'm going to talk about some of the companies that we work with and various labs that we run.
This is one of the labs that we use. I love their organic acids test. This is a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of a patient's overall health and it has, I think, 76 markers. It looks at intestinal yeast and bacteria. It can also look at behaviors that might be caused by different levels of microorganisms, such as illnesses and neurological disorders. We learn quite a lot about this with these tests. It also looks at vitamin and mineral levels, oxidative stress and neurotransmitter levels. On their website GreatPlainsLaboratory.com you can look at the OATs test and learn a lot about that test. On this website, you can also find all the different tests that are run by Great Plains and get a feel for them.
Another company that we love is Cell Science Systems. I love their Alcat test. They also do a panel that checks for celiac, IBS and Crohn’s as well as a MethylDetox panel and a telomere length test. The telomere link test is a reflection of how we are aging, how quickly and what is affecting that rate.
Then, there is Dunwoody Labs. I like their dietary antigen panels, so we use them.
Doctor’s Data is another lab I like. One of the panels that I like from Doctor's Data is the comprehensive stool analysis with parasitology. You can see that they offer a wide variety of “add-ons” which can also be run alone. Things like zonulin, yeast, H. pylori, that kind of thing. So those are very useful.
Another lab we use is Genova Diagnostics. I love their GI Effects® stool profile. They are similar in some ways to Doctor's Data, but they offer some differences. They do a SIBO profile that is very useful, as well as allergy antibodies. They have a nutritional evaluation called NutrEval® which is wonderful. It assesses core nutrients in five areas: Antioxidants, B vitamins, digestive support, essential fatty acids, and minerals. They have just a ton of different tests that they run. So you can go to their website, gdx.net, and take a look at the panels that they offer.
As far as Precision Analytical, I love their DUTCH Plus® test. Something that makes this test a little bit different is that it has the cortisol awakening response added on to it. So in addition to checking sex hormones and their metabolites and looking at the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol and the total and distribution of those metabolites, it adds on the cortisol awakening response, which is why I find this to be a very useful test. It is a little tricky to interpret, so the patient usually needs a little help with that from their provider. Alternatively, you can have someone on staff at Precision Analytical go over that as well.
From Cyrex Labs, I like the Array #5 panel, which is a multiple autoimmune reactivity screen. It gives us a picture of any sort of sensitivity. So it's a very useful panel. You can go to the website and read more about that.
ZRT is another lab that we use. I do various panels from them. You can go to their website and look at all the different ones that they offer. We often use the stress and hormone panel and the iodine panel. Those are the ones that I most often use from ZRT, but they offer a great variety of panels.
23 and Me is a relatively inexpensive way to get genetic information. We like to use the health and ancestry service panel and we take that information from the email you receive from 23 and Me and plug it into StrateGene. That helps us to make the information more useful and more readable. It interprets that information in a way that we can use and that you can understand.
Then there is MaxGen Labs. They offer a genetic profile that is a good bit more expensive than doing the 23 and Me option, but it presents the information in a wonderful way. They provide a pamphlet that talks about the different parts of the genetic profile such as the genes, the DNA, the Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), how those are affected, how they might affect you, and what you can do differently. So that's very useful.
Quest Diagnostics is our lab of choice for running typical labs. We also use LabCorp. Both are great but we sometimes prefer one over the other for different tests and we indicate that when we send you for those labs. Last but not least, we use Premier Radiology for all of our imaging. So we, when we send you out for imaging, this is who we use.
The Fork Functional Medicine
200 9th Ave S.
Franklin, TN 37064
Phone: (615) 721-8008
Fax: (615) 237-8331
Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday-Sunday: CLOSED
By appointment only
Telemedicine visits are available to patients in the State of Tennessee. See further information under patient info.
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