I love sweet potatoes. If there is one food I constantly crave and always enjoy, it is sweet potatoes.
Sweet potatoes are a root that is in the morning glory family. Many people get yams confused with sweet potatoes; however, yams are actually an edible tuber from the Lily family and are native to Asia and Africa. Yams have a dark, more purplish skin. Sweet potatoes are one of the top sources of beta-carotene, which is a precursor to Vitamin A. They are also rich in B6, C, Potassium and fiber. I scrub them before cooking because I rarely remove the skins when I use them in dishes--the skins are rich in nutrients. You can also eat the root and shoots from sweet potatoes, and in other countries this is more common. And on a side note… you retain more of the beta-carotene and make it more absorbable when you boil it, rather than bake or fry it.
There can be many variations on this recipe. I like to serve it with a baby arugula and microgreens salad on the side, with a touch of a light olive oil/lemon-based dressing.
2-3 teaspoons butter, ghee, or avocado oil
2 eggs
¼ sliced sweet onion
¼ sliced red bell pepper
3 cups spinach
1 sweet potato baked and sliced down the middle
1/3 avocado sliced served on the side
Goat cheese or Kite Hill vegan ricotta
Sea salt and pepper
1. Heat 2 teaspoons butter/oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add the onion and sauté for about 5 minutes. Add greens and toss to combine. Sprinkle with sea salt. Cook, stirring often, 2 minutes or just until greens begin to wilt.
2. Place warm baked sweet potato in large bowl and sliced down the middle, transfer veggies to bowl and place on top of sweet potato. Then crack two eggs into the same pan, adding a little more butter/oil if needed. Cook eggs to desired consistency (I like mine over medium), sprinkle with salt and pepper and place on top of sautéed greens. Top bowl with goat cheese or Kite Hill vegan ricotta. Arrange microgreens salad and sliced avocado to the side. Serve with more salt and pepper and hot sauce if desired.
Note: I like to cook my sweet potatoes the night before, and I turn off the oven just before I think they are done and leave them in there. The next morning when I’m getting my things together and fixing my coffee, I remove the sweet potatoes (other than the ones I’m going to use). Then I turn the oven back on to 300 and let the potato warm back up while I’m prepping everything.